
It all started with a Christmas card..

Today is Monday. And usually on Mondays I - as any other normal person - go to work. But this week I'm on holidays (YAY!). At home... But that's not a bad thing considering the fact that all the Christmas presents I bought yet are 4 tubes of hands cream.
So what do I do in such emergency cases? (I should also mention the sad check of my bank account balance - 18,56 EUR) With a careless smile I open Photoshop and decide that it's time to start giving my "art" as gifts to people. I started with a Christmas-ish poster:
And then for some reason I drifted away to space references (Star Wars and video about globes making that I saw yesterday).
I always loved the pictures of different universes.. 
And negative looks quite cool as well!
I have seen this idea somewhere else before, but made my interpretation for practice sake.

So this is the result of my Monday's inspirations. Tomorrow I will march to printing services and get those badass posters on paper!
And here's the video I mentioned previously. It's truly inspiring!

Peter Bellerby - The Globemaker from Cabnine on Vimeo.

Nite nite!


Just wanted to show how two posters look printed! I hope my dad and brother will be happy about these Christmas gifts! :)


Star Wars at your home

Having all this buzz about new Star Wars movie which I must say was AMAZING, I thought it would be a perfect time to talk about decorating your home with bits of Jedi spirit. This could be a good resource for ones who have kids in their craze for the FORCE and space adventures yet seeks for adult-ish looks!


UEFA 2012. Balotelli memes

So of course I was one of the football fans who were watching UEFA 2012 and was thinking of making a nice post about the ads and commercials, because people were working hard on making this event well communicated. But once I saw another photoshoped Balotelli picture,  I decided that I need to focus on this attention freak who became the most popular player among the meme lovers.

So, here are some of the best:


Galleries. Extended.

Needed to make this short post since I have found more of what I was looking for the other day when writing about the pictures and drawing on the bathroom walls. Apparently I'm not the only one interested in that kind of decoration. So here are some more variations of that. And one to go. Have fun making your own wall galleries:)


After some time. Discoveries pt. 2

OK, not going to say how ashamed I am for leaving this blog without any posts, but from now on, one post per week is a promise! I have graduated eventually and will have some time for quality blogging and enjoining the summer with some street art projects hopefully. Will show everything here:) But for now, some sharing is caring time with new discoveries.

For a start, I would like to share works of two artists. I discovered Alexandra Valenti 3 weeks ago. To be precise, I saw one particular picture and it touched me.


After some time. Discoveries. pt. 1

I know I haven't done much around here for quite some time (busy busy with studies and real projects), but tht doesn't mean I wasn't looking around searching for inspirational arty things. To catch up I will post all my discoveries (well, most of them, it's impossible to show everything beautiful I saw during these days).

By the way, to track me quicker, just follow me on Pinterest (there's a follow button on the up- right side too). I've started using it more few days ago. Bit afraid of possible problems because of Terms and Conditions that even The Window Seat wrote about, but will try my luck :)

So, for a start stop motion animation by Alexandre Dubosc. When you are thinking about upcoming birthday, makes you smile even more.

Food about you from Alexandre DUBOSC on Vimeo.


DIY: Fabric bracelets

Bracelets are one of my favorite accessory. They are simple, usually harder to loose than necklaces or ear-rings, can be very different and both stylish and not too fancy. It's even better, when you can make them by your self. And even more better, when you can call it a upcycling project!